Here are some completed artwork I did on the computer, some I use Photoshop, mostly Illustrator, and some other programs. These could also be in the cg section but I rather put it here Click on the thumbnails to enlarge in a new window.

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An anime character I made. A blue haired ninja. Same as the left but meshed. A whole chibi battle scene. A chibi character.
Another chibi character. Chibi Strider X from the battle scene. Chibi Super Strider X from the battle scene. My first work in Photoshop done in art class. Dream - Done in art class.
Dream v.2 - Done in art class. Fan Art - Done in art class, Anti Smoking ad I made. Fan Art - Evil Trunks. Fan Art - Goku. Fan Art - Strider logo, just a retrace in Illustrator.